If you’re looking for a personal trainer in Toronto, it’s important to know what you are looking for before you begin personal training. After all, personal trainers are a dime a dozen, so how do you know who to start working with?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for an in-home personal trainer or a personal training studio, these 9 criteria apply to both cases.

Most certified personal trainers have a personal training certification (duh!), but is that certification really worth that much? You may not know this, but it only takes 3 days to obtain a certification. Sure, there are companies that have stricter requirements, but as someone who interviews other personal trainers, I’ve spoken to people who have the highest qualifications in the industry (like a CSCS and a master’s degree in human kinetics), and yet their practical application of that knowledge is disappointing. So I wouldn’t even put much stock in formal schooling. Look for someone who has a hunger for knowledge, and is constantly striving to learn more.

You also want someone who knows how to combine exercise, nutrition and supplementation. It’s not enough to just be doing all three, but your exercise affects your nutrition and vice versa. It’s important to mind the interactions between the two. Your results will be much better and your plan more effective and comprehensive if you integrate all three.

You want someone who performs an initial assessment. This allows a professional to personalize your program. During the assessment, we look at:

– Your goals

– Your medical history

– Your exercise history

– Your time availability

– Your equipment availability

– Your hormonal profile

– Your muscle balance

– And more

To simply ask about your goal and leave it at that is very inadequate. A professional needs to dig deep and extract every bit of useful information to help him/her design the right strategy for you.

Look for a personal trainer who has other satisfied clients who reached the same goal(s) that you are trying to reach. A lot of trainers specialize in just one area of fitness or one type of client. For instance, they only specialize in muscle building, or they only specialize in flexibility exercise, but if they don’t have a familiarity with your specific goals, they may not be the right person for you. You can verify this by looking for other people that trainer has worked with who have achieved the same goals you’d like to achieve.

A written program is very important as well. The trainer should not be making up exercises on the spot as you go along. S/he should have put in the thought ahead of time into what program makes sense for you. This should be based on the results of your initial assessment. The trainer should explain to you why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Either your trainer should be writing down your workouts, or the trainer should be getting you to write down your workouts. This allows you to track your progress over time. You base each workout on the results of the previous workout, so there’s minimal guesswork. The numbers are there.