Very often when you are trying to change your lifestyle from being completely inactive to a more active one, it will be much easier for you (and much more fun) if you get your family involved.

Here are some ideas for fun family fitness activities (how do you like the alliteration? Came up with it all by myself).

I asked on facebook what people like to do as fun activities, and here are the replies I got:


  1. Daniel Freedman, a web strategy consultant said “my 5 year old upstairs neighbour loves to run and jump with no real structure. He has even been known to ring my doorbell in search of extra cushions to build a massive couch fort.”
  2. Marj Andre, owner of a great site that lists all the events in Richmond Hill (who knew that there can be as many as 15 or 20 different events in one day in just Richmond Hill???) said “I like canoeing with my husband. Or playing horseshoes with my sons.”
  3. My friend and former client, Billinda Pita, who runs an incredible non-profit weekly community education program, called “Life2” (life squared) is a busy bee. She said “we [editor’s note: that means her, her husband and her 3 daughters] like to Nordic Pole Walk as a family, rollerblade, ride bikes, swim and our #1 is hiking trails in York region and beyond.”
  4. And my friend Jane Kabarguina, who is an eyesight improvement expert, yoga instructor, mathematician, and God knows what else said “football.” Except she said it with a Russian accent, so what she really meant is soccer. Actually, she didn’t say it. She typed it. But she still typed it with a Russian accent. Oh, those Russians.

What about you? What are your favorite family fitness activities? Leave your comment below.

Quick Summary

  • Living an active lifestyle is much easier when you get others around you involved
  • What some people like to do is:
    • Unstructured physical activity
    • Canoeing
    • Hiking
    • Rollerblading
    • Riding bikes
    • Swimming
    • Playing “football” (with a Russian accent, it means soccer).