After several years of hearing Dr. Bernard Jensen’s name, I was very eager to pick up this book. His name and reputation, after all, are stellar, so I couldn’t wait to dig in. But boy, was I badly disappointed.

When I pick up a book, I’m hoping to learn new things, and hoping that the author explains not just what to do, but also why it works. I’m a geek. I like to know the physiology of why something works.

This book, unfortunately is a strict recommendation book. It pretty much says “just do this”, without any explanation whatsoever as to the physiology behind everything. None.

There are also a few seemingly wacky recommendations in the book that I’ve never heard of any other practitioner recommending. For one thing, Dr. Jensen recommends eating grapes for one entire week as a detoxification diet. Another detoxification diet he recommends is drinking carrot juice for anywhere from one week to one month, and the explanations he gives for these outlandish ideas are woefully inadequate.

Maybe I’m missing something, but this being the first book I read by Dr. Bernard Jensen doesn’t exactly inspire the awe in me that he’s a great healer.