We work with a lot of people who have osteoarthritis, and that limits their motions, which limits our ability to get good results with them. And our ego can’t handle not getting results with our clients. Hence why I picked up the book, How to Eat Away Arthritis by Lauri Aesoph.

Original source: here.

            As a result of the courses I took at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition and the dozens of clinical nutrition seminars I’ve taken, I already knew a fair amount about how to deal with osteoarthritis, and a lot of what was in the book reinforced that.

Here are some interesting tidbits that you may find beneficial if you have arthritis. Or if you don’t, pass this on to someone who does (maybe your parents, friends, or someone else).


  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), like aspirin reduce inflammation, but slow down recovery. The way they do that is by inhibiting prostaglandins (these are chemicals that cause inflammation. Inflammation is the trigger of the healing process). So there’s no inflammation, but also no healing. That’s not to say NSAIDs are useless, but they are not a long-term solution for arthritis.
  • With nutrition, recovery from rheumatoid arthritis happens quickly (in 1-4 weeks)
    • Recovery from gout takes longer
    • Recovery from osteoarthritis takes even longer
  • If there has been joint degradation, nutrition won’t reverse that, but it can stop further degradation.
  • Osteoarthritis affects 2-3 times more women than men.
  • Gout affects 20 times more men than women.
  • One of the most beneficial nutritional approaches to helping with arthritis is to identify your food sensitivities, and eliminate them. This can be done through either the elimination-provocation diet or by running laboratory tests, like IgE, IgG, IgA and IgM.
  • People with arthritis have as much as 75% less B vitamins in their bodies, compared with the non-arthritis population.

In How to Eat Away Arthritis, Lauri Aesoph (the author) states that how we learned that there was a strong connection between diet and arthritis is that in the 1970s, research from Scandinavian countries was coming out showing that the majority of subjects who were on a medically-supervised fast experienced relief (and in some cases remission) of their arthritis in 5 days. Then, when their normal diet was re-introduced, the symptoms came right back.

Nowadays, multiple arthritis clinics around the States include fasting (under medical supervision) for a few days, followed by identification and elimination of food sensitivities.

All in all, to anyone suffering from arthritis, How to Eat Away Arthritis is a great book to read.