Biggest Success Stories of 2015

by Jan 2, 2016Uncategorized0 comments

Another year, another series of success stories. I usually write articles that address different parts of exercise, nutrition and supplements, but in this one, you’ll get to see the practical side of things: how we put together all 3 components to create another series of transformations.

Between myself, and the trainers that work within my company, we’ve come up with 6 body transformations that are honourable mentions for client of the year. And of course, there is the one client who won the grand title of “client of the year 2015.”

In this article, we detail their results. And heck, if you’re jealous, and want results like theirs, you can see if you qualify to work with us by filling out this quick, 2-minute survey.

Client of the Year: Maz 

            Maz started working with our trainer, Alex in April. He was a successful entrepreneur, who wanted to outsource the exercise and nutrition side of things. He knew they were important, but just didn’t have enough time to devote to figuring things out for himself. So he took a smart shortcut: hire a personal trainer.

Between April and July, Maz has:

  • Gone from 240 lbs to 224
  • Gone from 28% body fat to 17.4%
  • Decreased his waist circumference from 104 cm (40.9 inches) to 95 cm (37.4 inches)

It is for these reasons that Maz got an honourable mention as one of our clients of the year. 

Honourable Mention: Derek 

Derek is a busy, 38-year-old sales professional. He started working with our trainer, Arjun in September, and in that time, he’s achieved some pretty cool things:

  • From August to November, he lost 8 pounds on the scale. But don’t let that fool you, because it’s probably about 14-15 pounds of fat lost, while simultaneously gaining 6-7 pounds of muscle. Nice!
  • The area that he was most self-conscious about when he started (his chest… yeah, he had man boobs) shrunk by 20%
  • His love handle shrunk by 15.7%
  • His arm circumference increased from 31.5 cm to 35 cm. That’s some good growth in those biceps and triceps. So now, he’s selling tickets to the “gun show”.

Besides his crazy good results, Derek is a pleasure to train. Comes early for his workouts, likes to be pushed hard, and discusses his workouts with his colleagues at work.

Honourable Mention: Susan 

Susan started working with our trainer, Brian in June. Unlike most of our clients, who are trying to lose body fat, Susan had the opposite issue. At 63 years old, she was actually underweight. And her bone density was suffering. Usually, when bone density is low, so is muscle strength. That was certainly the case with her.

When Susan just started, she could only do about 5-10 pushups on the ground. As of her most recent workout, she can do 15 pushups on a stability ball, which shows not just improved upper body strength, but also much better dynamic stability.

Whenever a new client starts working with us, we have them fill out a very thorough, 321-symptom questionnaire that assesses different systems of the body (digestive, hormonal, immune, etc.). The lower you score, the better. An ideal score is 0.

  • In the section that evaluates mineral absorption, Susan scored 43 out of 81 on June 15th. In her most recent re-assessment (on November 11), she scored 26 out of 81. A drop of almost 50%! Meaning, her absorption is significantly better.
  • In the section that evaluates the adrenals, and a person’s response to stress, Susan scored 37 out of 78 on June 15th. In her follow-up, her score dropped to 21 out of 78. Meaning that although the stress is still there, it no longer has the same damaging effect on her body.
  • In the section that evaluates female hormones, Susan scored 40 out of 60 on June 15th. In her follow-up she scored 9!!!!! Meaning, she’s now almost perfectly hormonally balanced. Awesome. The extra exclamation marks are to note my excitement. Yay.

Honourable Mention: Kati 

Kati started working with Brian in July. Back then, she had major problems with coordination, and many lower body exercises resulted in lower back pain. Fast forward to now, and not only do those exercises no longer cause any back issues, but she’s progressed to more advanced exercises now, and no issues.

Another great quality about Kati is true to her nature as an engineer, she’s very analytical. So she absolutely loves learning about fitness and nutrition. She’s very inquisitive, and picks up Brian’s knowledge very quickly.

Honourable Mention: Sandy 

Sandy has been working with me personally for the last 2.5 years, and had a lot of deep psychological attachments to food. In fact, the first 2 or so years of working with me, her measurements (weight, circumferences and body fat), went steadily down, until there was a “hitch” in the road, and she was basically stagnant. One day, her measurements would be great, the next set of measurements, they wouldn’t be so good. It was basically one step forward, one step back.

It wasn’t until about 4 months ago that she was finally able to break through that barrier, and finally have a series of back-to-back good measurements. Her waist circumference dropped from 135cm (53 inches) to 126.5 (49.8 inches) in her most recent measurements. Yes, there’s still a lot more work to do, but she’s finally on the right track.

And up until very recently, Sandy was only on the borderline of getting included as an honourable mention. What clinched the deal? For the first time in the 2.5 years that I’ve been working with her, she went on vacation, came back, and her measurements were better than when she left. So she ate the right way even when she was away. Finally, at 64 years old, she was able to break deep, lifelong habits that weren’t doing her any good.

Honourable Mention: Gord 

At 76 years old, Gord is our oldest client, but don’t tell him that. Because looking at his biceps, and judging by his energy levels, you wouldn’t know it. He’s been working with me personally for 5.5 years, and this year, he has made some tremendous leaps in his strength.

Gord was never overweight, but he does lead an active lifestyle. Between playing golf and tennis, and playing with his 4 grandkids, fitness is high on his priority list.

So what clinched the deal for him to get the honourable mention? Check out these numbers:

  • In July of this year, he could do one-arm bent over rows with 25 lbs. for 4 sets of 5 reps. By November, he was doing 40 lbs.
  • In July, he was doing suitcase deadlifts with 35 lbs. By November, he was doing 60 lbs.
  • In July, he was doing back extensions with 15 lbs. By November, he was doing 45 lbs.

This is pretty much on par with clients I train who are in their 50s and 40s. On top of that, sometimes Gord will walk in for a workout and tell me “Igor, I played some of the best tennis of my life yesterday, and I attribute it to the strength training.” What he doesn’t mention is that he’s playing against guys in their 40s.

It’s cool to see that now, at 76, he’s in better shape than when he started working with me, at 71.

And the pace that he puts on in his workouts is crazy as well. I occasionally tell him “you know Gord, a pace like yours would kill mere mortals.” He laughs. He thinks I’m joking. I’m not. Most clients need a rest of 1-3 minutes between exercises and supersets. Gord frequently does it without any rest.

Honourable Mention: Fatih 

Fatih was a fireball this year! He started working with our trainer, Nickie in August. Nickie was impressed with how disciplined Fatih was with his exercise and nutrition, and the results definitely showed.

By November, he:

  • Lost 16 pounds (from 226 to 210)
  • Lost 13 cm (from 128 to 115), or just over 5 inches from his waist.

And the best part: he travels for a living. He got these results despite traveling a TON. No excuses from Fatih. He understood what he needed to do, and he did it.


As you can see, our clients come in all shapes and sizes, and in all different ages, from as young as 23 (not mentioned in this article), all the way to 76. If you want our help with your own body transformation, click here to fill out a quick, 2-minute survey to see if you qualify.