Here is a video of my latest competition. In here, the Apex Summer Classic 2017, I bench pressed 259 pounds, while weighing 144. For me, this is an 11-pound personal record.

To put things into perspective, in the almost-5 years since I’ve started powerlifting, I’ve only bench pressed 242, or 248. Never a pound more than 248. And now, in my first competition since the last one (about 3.5 months ago), I bench pressed 11 more pounds than my previous best.

How did I do it? Partially with good training, and partially with the help of chiropractor, Dr. Omar Abdulsattar, from Trigenics.

What’s Trigenics? It’s a neurological treatment system that resets the way the brain communicates with the body for increased strength and motion, and decreased pain.

And well… the results speak for themselves 🙂