In my articles, speaking engagements, and 1-on-1 conversations with clients, I keep telling my readers, audiences and clients to eat more protein. I feel like a broken record. Why do I recommend more protein so frequently? A bunch of different reasons:

  • It builds muscle.
  • Of the 3 macronutrients (protein, carbs and fats), protein is the most satiating. Eat more protein, eat less of other stuff – lose fat.
  • It maintains or improves bone density.
  • It also helps stabilize blood sugar levels when combined with high-carb meals, if that is a concern for you

…and others.

Original source: here.

               And the results aren’t just theoretical. My team and I have had great success stories with a bunch of clients by simply increasing their protein. Clients like:

  • Stellis lost 6 inches off her waist at age 83. One of the strategies we used with her was increase her protein content.
  • Laura improved her bone density by increasing her protein content.
  • Olessia, a 40-year-old mom of 3 kids got super-strong, and really lean by adding in more protein.

…and these are just scratching the surface.

               But despite my frequent recommendations to get more protein (well… not really more, but more like the right amount of protein), a lot of people have challenges with that. For instance:

  • They just don’t like the taste of high-protein foods. Namely, meat, fish, and seafood.
  • They don’t like the flavour and/or texture of protein powder.
  • They just forget. If you’ve had the same habit for 40, 50, 60 years or more, undoing it is hard. Not that you shouldn’t do it, but it’s hard, and takes time.

So I’m frequently looking for opportunities for my clients, readers and audiences to get more protein in their diet.

Enter ALLO. What is ALLO? It’s a company that makes protein powder you can put in hot coffee, and it doesn’t clump. Sounds simple? It is, but yet, it’s also revolutionary (and I don’t use that word lightly). Why? For a bunch of reasons. We’ll go over those reasons below.

Reason 1: Hot Protein Drink

Right now, if you want to use protein powder, your only option is to drink it cold. Why? Ever tried putting protein powder in a hot beverage? For one thing, it clumps, and messes up the texture so bad, it’s virtually undrinkable. For another, it denatures the protein. What that means is that the structure of protein is lost, so it doesn’t have the muscle building, bone building, satiating effects.

ALLO solves that problem, because their protein blends really well in hot coffee. The texture is very smooth, and the taste is fantastic.

In other words, it doesn’t ruin the coffee (the pH) or the protein.

Reason 2: More Protein

               As you learned earlier (and possibly experience yourself), protein might be hard to get in your diet if you don’t have a taste for it. But a lot of people I know drink 2-4 cups of coffee a day.

               Each sachet of ALLO protein powder is 10 grams. Do the math – 2-4 cups of 10 grams of protein is an extra 20-40 grams of protein per day. That’s the equivalent of a chicken breast, or 0.5-1 can of tuna.

               That really moves the needle on covering your protein bases.

Reason 3: Speed

               People are busy. Very often they don’t have time for breakfast, or lunch, so they end up skipping a meal, but then getting so hungry because of it, that they more than make up for it later in the day.

               A bit of protein solves that problem. If you have time for a cup of coffee (either that you make your own, or that you buy in a coffee shop), you have time to get a bit of extra protein. It’s literally as simple as pulling out the sachet of powder out of your purse or bag, ripping it open, putting it into your coffee, stirring, and drinking. Total amount of time: 20 seconds.

               ALLO’s products come both as a straight up protein powder, which is 40 calories, as well as a protein + creamer combo, which is 85 calories.

               Not only that, it’s a “clean” product. There are no artificial flavours/sweeteners, and the creamer is made from sunflower oil.

               If you’re wondering “Igor, you seem to be promoting this product pretty hard. Why?” I’ll tell you why, my skeptical friend (and good for you for being skeptical).

It’s good.

               Am I getting paid to promote it? Full disclosure: yes. But that’s not enough to get me to promote it. My reputation matters to me more than someone can pay for it.

               I’ve been in business since 2010. I’ve been a personal trainer since 2006. I get probably about 25-50 pitches per year. Multiply that by the number of years that I’ve been in business, and that’s hundreds of pitches so far.

               Many of them are bad pitches. Bad products/services. Some of the pitches are very lucrative, allowing me to earn tens of thousands more per year than I do now. And yet, I don’t believe in the product/service.

               So just because something is profitable doesn’t mean I’ll promote it. But if it’s good, I’ll promote it without a doubt, and without compensation. Like I do in my Stuff I Like series. With ALLO, it happens to be both good, and profitable (I’m not making a killing here, but I am getting paid).

               That’s why I have no problems promoting the product that ALLO sells. The fact that it’s also local (Toronto-based), and a startup adds to my feel-good factor for promoting it.

               So if you’d like to give it a try, you can get it here.